A Treasured Possession (Part 2)
We have done nothing to impress God that He would choose us. But because He has chosen to pour out His grace on us, we are called to obey, but also obey in joy.
We have done nothing to impress God that He would choose us. But because He has chosen to pour out His grace on us, we are called to obey, but also obey in joy.
So let us see the great power that the LORD used against our sin, let us fear him, let us believe in the LORD and in Christ our Savior.
When God is set on saving His people, no one can change the plan. When God sent His Son, Jesus, to be born a man of a virgin, live the perfect life that we couldn’t, and die the death that we deserve bearing the full wrath of God towards sin, God secured His people.
I did not know the bad decisions I would make or how many times I wouldn’t turn to Him for help. But God did, and He chose me anyway.
We were created specially by God for the sake of God’s own pleasure, and with that comes the greatest joy of being found in a specific and close relationship with Him.
We have done nothing to impress God that He would choose us. But because He has chosen to pour out His grace on us, we are called to obey, but also obey in joy.
So let us see the great power that the LORD used against our sin, let us fear him, let us believe in the LORD and in Christ our Savior.
When God is set on saving His people, no one can change the plan. When God sent His Son, Jesus, to be born a man of a virgin, live the perfect life that we couldn’t, and die the death that we deserve bearing the full wrath of God towards sin, God secured His people.
I did not know the bad decisions I would make or how many times I wouldn’t turn to Him for help. But God did, and He chose me anyway.
We were created specially by God for the sake of God’s own pleasure, and with that comes the greatest joy of being found in a specific and close relationship with Him.
We have done nothing to impress God that He would choose us. But because He has chosen to pour out His grace on us, we are called to obey, but also obey in joy.
So let us see the great power that the LORD used against our sin, let us fear him, let us believe in the LORD and in Christ our Savior.
When God is set on saving His people, no one can change the plan. When God sent His Son, Jesus, to be born a man of a virgin, live the perfect life that we couldn’t, and die the death that we deserve bearing the full wrath of God towards sin, God secured His people.
I did not know the bad decisions I would make or how many times I wouldn’t turn to Him for help. But God did, and He chose me anyway.
We were created specially by God for the sake of God’s own pleasure, and with that comes the greatest joy of being found in a specific and close relationship with Him.
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