Like little children

I did not know the bad decisions I would make or how many times I wouldn’t turn to Him for help. But God did, and He chose me anyway. 

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:3, NIV).

I was raised in a small town on the coast of Maine. We attended a typical small-town Baptist church complete with hymnals, children’s Bible school and a large cemetery across the street. Every Sunday, I sang the doxology and heard the benediction before we were dismissed. We also had dinner on the grounds. I remember the smell of food filling the church on those Sunday afternoons. So much food! We were there every time the doors opened, even in the snow. And given that we were in Maine, it snowed quite a bit. 

I remember praying to ask Jesus in my heart one Sunday morning with my family surrounding me. I felt invincible and humbled at the same time wondering how the Creator of the world could love someone like me. I felt God’s presence and knew He was standing right beside me welcoming me home. 

Remember and reflect

Recently I went back to visit the little church that held so many of my childhood memories. I closed my eyes and took in the familiar smell of the sanctuary, picturing my grandmother playing the organ and my grandfather passing the offering plate. I smiled as I remembered him sliding candy to me during the services to keep me quiet.

As my thoughts turned to the moment I gave my heart to Jesus, I remembered how as a child I did not know the twists and turns my life would take. I did not know the bad decisions I would make or how many times I wouldn’t turn to Him for help. But God did, and He chose me anyway. 

It’s always beneficial to reflect on why you did something and think about the difference it has made in your life. Do you remember when you gave your heart to Jesus? It doesn’t matter if you were 5 or 95 or how many mistakes you’ve made since then, you are still His child. And if you haven’t yet trusted Jesus as your Savior, today is the day. No matter who you are or what you’ve done, He will always choose you.

Amy Hacker is a regular contributor to The Scroll. She also is advertising manager for The Alabama Baptist/TAB Media Group. She attends the Church of the Highlands and has three children.


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