
Don’t reject the Lord’s warnings
While reading my Bible in a year plan, I came across a verse I know I’ve heard many times before, but I guess I never thought much about it.

The multifaceted value of prayer
How we pray can be a matter of personal preference though and we know this because there are many instances in the Bible where people are praying, and it doesn’t always look the same.

Walking through Luke: Silence
When Zechariah comes out of the temple, there are many people who have been waiting for him to come out. He gestures to let them know that he can’t speak – he is unable to share some of the best news of his life because of his unbelief.

Walking through Luke: Announcement
Are we like John? Are we announcing the coming of the Messiah? Are we sharing the joy of our salvation with our family and friends?

Redemption from the least to the greatest
For someone whom God called a “man after His own heart” (1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22), David’s behavior didn’t always live up to the hype.

Collegiate Week shows IMB investment in students called to reach the nations
How important is Collegiate Week to the International Mission Board? It’s important enough that 25 IMB personnel attended the most recent event, with half being overseas missionaries.

Churchianity: Jesus without the church?
“The current trend of setting Jesus against the church says nothing about Jesus and a lot about the state of Christianity today. It lacks biblical literacy,” writes Rick Harrington.

Don’t reject the Lord’s warnings
While reading my Bible in a year plan, I came across a verse I know I’ve heard many times before, but I guess I never thought much about it.

The multifaceted value of prayer
How we pray can be a matter of personal preference though and we know this because there are many instances in the Bible where people are praying, and it doesn’t always look the same.

Walking through Luke: Silence
When Zechariah comes out of the temple, there are many people who have been waiting for him to come out. He gestures to let them know that he can’t speak – he is unable to share some of the best news of his life because of his unbelief.

Walking through Luke: Announcement
Are we like John? Are we announcing the coming of the Messiah? Are we sharing the joy of our salvation with our family and friends?

Redemption from the least to the greatest
For someone whom God called a “man after His own heart” (1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22), David’s behavior didn’t always live up to the hype.

Collegiate Week shows IMB investment in students called to reach the nations
How important is Collegiate Week to the International Mission Board? It’s important enough that 25 IMB personnel attended the most recent event, with half being overseas missionaries.

Churchianity: Jesus without the church?
“The current trend of setting Jesus against the church says nothing about Jesus and a lot about the state of Christianity today. It lacks biblical literacy,” writes Rick Harrington.

Don’t reject the Lord’s warnings
While reading my Bible in a year plan, I came across a verse I know I’ve heard many times before, but I guess I never thought much about it.

The multifaceted value of prayer
How we pray can be a matter of personal preference though and we know this because there are many instances in the Bible where people are praying, and it doesn’t always look the same.

Walking through Luke: Silence
When Zechariah comes out of the temple, there are many people who have been waiting for him to come out. He gestures to let them know that he can’t speak – he is unable to share some of the best news of his life because of his unbelief.

Walking through Luke: Announcement
Are we like John? Are we announcing the coming of the Messiah? Are we sharing the joy of our salvation with our family and friends?

Redemption from the least to the greatest
For someone whom God called a “man after His own heart” (1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22), David’s behavior didn’t always live up to the hype.

Collegiate Week shows IMB investment in students called to reach the nations
How important is Collegiate Week to the International Mission Board? It’s important enough that 25 IMB personnel attended the most recent event, with half being overseas missionaries.

Churchianity: Jesus without the church?
“The current trend of setting Jesus against the church says nothing about Jesus and a lot about the state of Christianity today. It lacks biblical literacy,” writes Rick Harrington.