My life is kind of insane right now. I just started a new job, I’m taking several hours in graduate school, I’m trying to get clinical hours in at a middle school ,and to top it all off, I am drinking way too much coffee and definitely not eating enough vegetables.
On the positive side, I do have the real, distinct blessing of being able to live with three of my best friends. Right now, though, we are all on different schedules, which results in minimal time for “heart-to-hearts” in the middle of the night. (Side note: If you’re still in college, skip more classes and hang out with your friends more. Don’t let your grades suffer, but remember your friends will be there for you when your school or job can’t.)
So when you’re standing in your kitchen wearing some old Star Wars t-shirt and eating the remainder of whatever is left in your fridge (because you haven’t been able to do laundry or go to the grocery store in a few days) and one of these girls — who just so happens to also be exhausted — says something so profound and joyful, you can’t help but relax.
This is clearly a true story that happened recently. My sweet friend said this: “It’s so much better to love people for who God created them to be, not for who we think they should be.”
Now while I get that this incredibly simple, it’s so hard to actually put into action.
This specific friend is incredibly gifted in the art of being herself. She’s comfortable in her own skin, not because of accomplishments or heritage or some other stupid prideful award, but because she knows Christ. She gets it. Each of us four roommates have incredibly different personalities and jobs and fears and talents, but the grace of Christ is the same in us all.
Thus she’s also really good at loving people at their core — not for what they can give her but because they are human and made in His image in their own distinct ways.
Doesn’t God get the most glory when I live boldly, being the person I was made to be? Isn’t true joy knowing that Christ covers all of my crap (sorry, but exhaustion makes poetry go out the window) so I’m free to love Him and be myself as I was made to be?
I do not live a perfect life. I still get mad at myself over sins and mistakes from years ago that are long forgiven. I still find myself seeking approval from people instead of resting in the ultimate approval of Christ. I’m 22 years old with a college degree, and I can’t even cook broccoli for crying out loud! But, by the grace of God, I’m good at other things.
So today, I’m very thankful that I spent a few minutes in the kitchen with a very wise friend instead of scrolling through Instagram, letting comparison get the best of me.
Be yourself in Christ, not the self you think the world will like.
By Rebekah