Making changes

I would say I’m easily motivated. At least when it comes to getting things started.

In school and with new jobs, I was always ready those first several days — I’d get up early, get ready, even wear makeup each day. But it fizzled out.

Living on my own, I woke up on Saturdays ready to clean. I even recently bought some eco-friendly cleaning supplies with reusable bottles and was excited to clean every week. It lasted a few weeks. But then the excitement fizzled out.

My family started a healthy lifestyle diet that comes with a plan book and recipe book. I borrowed both of them and read them – I was excited to start it. I had meals planned out and was doing it for a while. But it fizzled out. I even listened to the plan book on a recent trip and got motivated again to get back on the horse. But it fizzled out again.

I joined a gym last January with a New Year’s resolution to go to the gym on certain days of the week. I found some workout playlists, set up a plan of what to do each day and everything. But it fizzled out. So I found a good workout routine for me to do at home and got started on day one, but eventually, you guessed it, it fizzled out.

It’s really easy for me to hear a speech, go to a class, buy cleaning supplies and workout clothes and get really excited about changing certain aspects of my life. And they’re all good changes to make. But the motivation ends so quickly.

Who am I really trying to make these changes for? Myself? My parents? Friends, roommates, coworkers? When I think about it, I’m making the changes for others. Or you could say I’m making them for myself because of the importance I’ve placed on what others think of me.

I want people to see me as healthy, active, clean and organized, well put together and … perfect.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” (Col. 3:23–24).

I am not an expert in interpreting the Bible. Not even close. But I do think this passage, especially verse 23, is often misinterpreted. (I could be wrong, and if you believe so, please let me know!) I don’t think this verse is saying that we should be cleaning for God and cooking for God and dressing nicely for God. I think it more is focusing on our reasoning for doing what we do. And if it’s to come across as well put together for others to see, that’s not the right reasoning.

Like I said earlier, I don’t think that those changes I keep wanting to make are bad. But I do think it’s important that we look at our reasoning for making the changes. It might help my motivation. Or it might not. It is probably going to take some prayer and reflection and reading and studying Scripture to understand why I’d like to make those changes and how I can place an appropriate priority on working to start and keep making those changes. And, most importantly, how those changes honor God.

Hannah Muñoz is a regular contributor to The Scroll. She also is the digital editor for The Alabama Baptist/TAB Media. She graduated from Samford University in 2017 and is a member of The Church at Brook Hills, Birmingham.


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