By Hannah Muñoz, The Contemplative Rope Contributor
There are constantly a lot of questions floating through my mind, especially when I’m in classes.
“What page are we on?”
“What are we doing in class today?”
“Will there be any homework?”
“When is our next quiz/test/exam?”
“What will the cafeteria serve for dinner?”
“Did I clock out when I left work?”
All of these questions can be easily answered, whether I like the answer that’s given or not. But there are so many more questions that I don’t know the answers to. Like,
“How does the Trinity work?”
“How has God always been around?”
“How can He be everywhere at the same time?”
“Where is Heaven?”
“Why did He make the universe so big?”
I know these aren’t the most important questions and that I don’t need to know these answers in order to believe that the facts are true. But sometimes I’d just like to know, “Why?”
Have you ever had a child come up to you and ask a question that seems to have a simple answer? Like, “What are you doing?” So you tell them. And their next question — “Why?” I’ve had this go on for 4 or 5 consecutive “why” responses. And it just leaves me realizing that I don’t know everything.
I don’t know if we will ever know the answers to all of our questions. But we still should accept what God tells us is true as it is.