Featured resources for April

Faith Improvised — Exploring what it means to be faithfully Christian in our always-changing world with its challenges and opportunities. I like to think out loud and talk with friends about biblical texts, books, politics, sports, music, films, and basically anything that interests me. This is all an attempt to be fully alive in God’s good world and to enjoy the liberating reality of the Christian gospel.


The Emotionally Healthy Leader — Many pastors and church leaders today feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and frustrated that their churches don’t seem to be making mature disciples. The Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast explores the paradigms and practices leaders need to transform their church culture and multiply deeply changed disciples.


The Pastor’s TableCorporate leadership systems focused on vanity metrics have left today’s church leaders weary and burnt out. The Pastor’s Table Podcast brings you conversations with local pastors working out deep theological convictions in their churches.

Listen to the Pastor’s Table today to get a renewed perspective on how to integrate a robust theological vision with your ministry practices. Embrace the gift of serving in God’s Kingdom with Join Dr. Mark Quanstrom & Rev. Tara Beth Leach on The Pastor’s Table.

Join the conversation at thepastorstable.com.

The Biblical Mind — The Biblical Mind is dedicated to helping its audience understand the deep structures of Scripture. It is published by the Center for Hebraic Thought, a hub for research and resources promoting biblical literacy and the intellectual world of the Bible.



Voxology — Voxology (Formerly the Vox Podcast with Mike Erre) is a collection of voices that question and discuss our culture’s most relevant topics in relation to Christ and Christianity. We talk LGBTQ, American and church politics, Christian culture’s catastrophic marginalization of the very people Jesus implores us to love and so much more. If you have serious questions about the church’s representation of Jesus, what he has done and the beauty of his work on earth today, join hosts Mike Erre and Tim Stafford and their guests to talk things out and find your way back to the true mission of Jesus.


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