Featured resources for April

Here are this month’s podcast suggestions from your friends at The Scroll:

The Russell Moore Show — Listen in as Russell Moore, public theologian and director of Christianity Today’s Public Theology Project, talks about the latest books, cultural conversations and pressing ethical questions that point us toward the kingdom of Christ.



Jude 3 Project — Helping you know what you believe and why.




As In Heaven — As In Heaven, hosted by Jim Davis and Michael Aitcheson, is a new podcast in The Gospel Coalition podcast network. Each episode seeks to glean insights from a wide variety of people doing strategic work in their cities and communities. Jesus taught us to pray “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Our prayer is that our spheres of influence would be places that look more like God’s kingdom—where love reigns, humanity flourishes, and Christ is glorified.


BibleProject — The creators of BibleProject have in-depth conversations about the Bible and theology. A companion podcast to BibleProject videos found at bibleproject.com




The Holy Post — Join VeggieTales and What’s in the Bible? creator Phil Vischer and co-host Skye Jethani (author, speaker, pastor) for a fast-paced and often funny conversation about pop culture, media, theology, and the fun, fun, fun of living a thoughtful Christian life in an increasingly post-Christian culture.


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