I am a sub-creator to the ultimate Creator. The reason I make my art is to reflect Christ. This specific piece is representative of my soul’s battle with identity. The fainter, dusty roots are symbolic of anything I try to put as the center of my life that is not Christ. I chose charcoal to portray that fickle nature because it is easily removed and incredibly temporary. The other set of roots represented in this piece are made of asphalt and gold leaf, symbolizing permanence and glory. The ultimate message of this work is that my roots- my identity- should be found in Christ alone. Anything I hope in apart from the Lord is in vain. My relationship with Christ is the only thing I am guaranteed for the length of my life, yet I am frequently and pathetically satisfied by lesser, albeit good, things. This work is very personal and is a reminder for me to rest in Truth instead of the World.
By Sarah Beth Little