Living in discomfort as a Christian

Comfort for Christians looks different than it looks for the world. Our ultimate comfort is in Jesus. But living for Jesus and walking in obedience to the commands of God will lead us into uncomfortable situations. That’s guaranteed. 

Everyone has his or her comforts. Comfort food, comfort show, comfort book, comfort character. We all have our preferred places of comfort in our homes. That certain side of the sofa or that well-used recliner. Comfort is something we are often seeking in life. 

Everyone also has his or his discomforts. Some people cringe at the thought of confrontation. Some people are uncomfortable in the spotlight. Others are uncomfortable at the thought of not speaking up in tense situations.  

Discomfort is something that is inevitable in life, but few people would say they enjoy being uncomfortable. I certainly don’t. 

Comfort for Christians looks different than it looks for the world. Our ultimate comfort is in Jesus. But living for Jesus and walking in obedience to the commands of God will lead us into uncomfortable situations. That’s guaranteed. 

It’s uncomfortable to stand up for truth. It’s uncomfortable to share your faith with your friends and neighbors. It’s uncomfortable to reach out to people who are hurting and struggling. 

But it’s in the discomfort that we will feel the comfort of Christ all the more. When we feel nervous or inadequate, we can only lean on the peace and sufficiency that Jesus provides. 

Where is God calling you into discomfort? I challenge you to step into it. Not relying on your own strength, but relying on God.

God will use that discomfort to shape you more into His image. And He’ll use that discomfort to show His glory in an unbelieving world.

Jessica Ingram is a regular contributor to The Scroll. She also is project manager for TAB Media Group. She graduated from Mississippi State University in 2017 and is a member of The Church at Brook Hills, Birmingham.


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