One of my favorite things about church is praise and worship time. I love to sing and look across the sanctuary to see everyone celebrate the goodness of God in unison.
But most recently, and for several weeks in fact, my mind hasn’t been on it. It seems the harder I try to focus on the music, the more my mind wanders. It’s not that I’m thinking about one particular thing or a specific problem, it’s everything all at once.
It starts with the many things I need to do at home, or what’s waiting for me at work the next day. And of course, the holidays. It’s the time of year when we need to think about so many different things.
So last Sunday I decided to ask God to help me get my thoughts together, and show me how to organize my mind. Interestingly, the answer He gave was not what I expected at all. It came in the form of the next song the worship team played called, “What a Beautiful Name.”
How Jesus loves
If you’ve never heard this song, it simply says that Jesus’ name is beautiful, wonderful and powerful. It says that He brought Heaven down to us, and even though my sin is great, His love is far greater.
The entire song is about how Jesus loves me so much that He died for me and invites me to be with Him for eternity.
It’s the gospel, and the answer to my question reminded me to put things in perspective.
Tears fell down my cheeks as I heard God say through a song that no matter what happens, His love for me is everlasting and unconditional, and nothing will take that away.
As I was leaving church, I had a renewed spirit, a renewed heart and a renewed mind. And most of all, I knew that allowing worry and anxiety to interfere with my worship time with God wouldn’t solve any problems, but focusing on His love for me would give me the peace to be able to tackle those things that seem constant in my mind.
And it will make praise and worship time that much sweeter.