When the uncontrollable controls you

Like Forrest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.”

If you’re alive, you know that to be true.

Now we all have a degree of control in our lives, but things will at some point get out of our control, and that can create fear, especially of the unknown. A failed relationship, sickness, sudden job loss … we don’t have a handle on everything in our lives, and those are the things that are the most difficult to deal with.

Whatever you’re facing today, remember God has a lot to say about fear. The subject of fear appears many times in the Bible. And God’s word reminds us that through all difficulties, we don’t need to be afraid. But that truth is far easier said than done. We do know beyond a doubt that we will face trials on this earth — life is just that way. The Bible says, “Even when I walk through the darkest valley you will be with me” (Ps. 23:4). Did you catch that? Not if I walk through a dark valley, but when I do.

Jesus’ life was no exception. He experienced pain, rejection, loss … He suffered through the same things that we would go through in our lives. We can say, “Well, He is God, that’s easy for Him.” But remember He also was human. His rejection and pain was so great that “His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground” in the Garden of Gethsemane before His death (Luke 22:44). He knew He was about suffer and die for all mankind because He is God, but that did not make the process any less painful.

So how do we deal with the difficulties of life when we don’t have anything left to give? When fear is crippling and we don’t know where to turn?

Run to the Father. Our Heavenly Father is the only One who can truly understand our pain, loss and rejection. Run to Him, be real and be honest. He wants you to give it all to Him. He wants you to voice your fears and your pain out loud to Him over and over again.

Tell Him you know He loves you and He doesn’t want you to carry this alone.

Remind Him of His promises to you (Ps. 103), not because He has forgotten them but because you just really need to hear them again.

And then let it go. Letting go shows God that you trust Him to take care of you.

Does that mean all your problems will magically disappear? Of course not! But it does mean that you now have the assurance that God’s got you. He was tempted in every way and experienced every pain so He could minister to us when we go through the same (Heb. 2:18).

Remember that God’s desire is for you to live in freedom, not fear. Fear doesn’t come from God, it comes from our enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Make the choice to live in Christ’s victory today and every day and you will never be the same!


Amy Hacker is a regular contributor to The Scroll. She also is advertising manager for The Alabama Baptist/TAB Media Group. She attends the Church of the Highlands and has three children.


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