A mustard seed of faith

Faith is not telling God the outcome and trusting Him to do it, it is trusting God in the outcome, and knowing He will walk us through it whatever that may be.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Heb. 11:1).

Picture two families in the path of a tornado. Both families prayed and had faith they would be kept safe but experienced very different outcomes. One family is thankful they were protected and their property remained intact, the other family is devastated after losing a loved one and their home lies in ruins.

Does that mean the devastated family didn’t pray enough, go to church enough or have enough faith? Or does God love the family that was spared more?

Why does it seem like some prayers are answered favorably while others are not? Or have you ever thought maybe God just doesn’t answer your prayers?

I know I have. Life doesn’t always turn out the way we expect. As someone who enjoys being independent, it’s hard for me to accept that sometimes there are things in life over which I have no control.


Have you ever been on your way to an appointment but were delayed by something and became frustrated because you were late? Soon after though you realize that the delay you were so upset about actually protected you from something that happened later on.

God sees our life as an open book, from beginning to end. He knows the outcome of everything that has happened and will happen, whereas we do not. We are not able to understand the whys or predict all of the circumstances life may bring because we have a very limited view.

That’s where faith comes in. Faith is not telling God the outcome and trusting Him to do it, it is trusting God in the outcome, and knowing He will walk us through it whatever that may be.

Amy Hacker is a regular contributor to The Scroll. She also is advertising manager for The Alabama Baptist/TAB Media Group. She attends the Church of the Highlands and has three children.


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