In the stillness

I consider myself to be a pretty good multitasker. I’m usually at my best when there are many things going on and I have deadlines. Oddly enough, my brain has the ability to stay focused in this type of environment.

But when I need my mind to slow down and focus on one thing, I have a much more difficult time. It’s like my brain gets bored and then I start thinking about everything at once. That’s exactly the opposite of what I need to happen in that moment.

I’ve also noticed that my mind seems to wander in my prayer life or when I’m reading a devotion — really anytime I’m trying to slow down and connect with God. My brain decides at that moment the laundry sitting in the dryer  or the items I need to add to my grocery list cannot wait a few minutes.

It’s more than frustrating.

I would like to blame it on the enemy because I know he doesn’t want me to connect with God at all. And while there is truth to that, the most likely culprit for the distraction is me.

In those moments, I search my heart. Is spending time with God a priority in my life, not just when I’m in church or praying, but all the time?

If I want a relationship with God, I know that spending time with Him is necessary for that to happen. It’s very difficult to have a relationship with anyone if you don’t spend time with them. And if you don’t spend time with them intentionally, then you begin to lose the reason why you need to spend time with them in the first place.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

God tells us how to find Him — it’s in the stillness, it’s in the quiet. God will not compete with my wrinkled laundry or grocery list. He wants me to be there in the moment with Him so I can receive all He has for me.

Slowing down and being still is not something my brain likes to do, but it is so necessary to be able to spend time with my Savior. And if you find yourself in the same situation as me, give it a try. God wants to have that communion with you, and the best way to do it is in the stillness.

Amy Hacker is a regular contributor to The Scroll. She also is advertising manager for The Alabama Baptist/TAB Media Group. She attends the Church of the Highlands and has three children.


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