Just another day

God has given us so much, just look around. Don’t let today be just another day.

Recently I was thinking about a commercial that came out many years ago for Dunkin’ Donuts. It’s a silly commercial but I feel like I relate to it sometimes. Not only because I love donuts but because of the actor’s behavior in the commercial. It starts by showing a Dunkin’ Donuts employee walking out his front door going to work saying, “It’s time to make the donuts.” A second later, he walks back in. This goes on for several seconds, he walks in and out the front door going back and forth to work. It would seem like this is all the man does because every time he walks in, he looks exhausted. By the end of the commercial, just as he is walking out the door to make donuts, he runs into himself coming back from work and is told he has already made donuts.

I can relate because sometimes I feel like this is what I do. I will focus on one part of my life and not much else. Before I know it, another week has gone by and I don’t know where the time went. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with giving your all to a project or something that’s important to you — sometimes it’s necessary. But if it’s at the expense of something or someone else, it can cause rifts in relationships or burnout.

Live intentionally

Since I’ve gone through phases in my life where this has been a problem, I’ve come up with a few ways to live intentionally and get back to reality. If you relate, maybe these suggestions will help.

  • Connect with friends. If it’s been a while since you’ve seen or spoken with the people in your life, reach out to them. You may find they’re in the same boat as you, so it could be what both of you need to get out of your routines.
  • Check in with family. While sometimes this can be tricky depending on the relationship you have with them, it’s good to stay in contact to see what’s going on. It may just be a phone call but it’s always good to catch up.
  • Spend time in nature. God is an amazing artist and if you’re one who tends to overlook the outdoors, you are definitely missing out. Fresh air and exercise will clear your head and can give you the perspective you need to tackle some difficult situations in your life.
  • Listen to worship music. This is a reminder my relationship with God is the most important thing.

Life is not meant to be mundane but we can certainly choose the mundane if we’re not careful. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” I believe this word is for this life, to have an abundant life here on earth. It doesn’t mean we won’t have problems along the way, but it does mean God wants us to appreciate our lives while we’re here. He’s given us so much, just look around. Don’t let today be just another day.

Amy Hacker is a regular contributor to The Scroll. She also is advertising manager for The Alabama Baptist/TAB Media Group. She attends the Church of the Highlands and has three children.


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