Seeing a greater purpose when life doesn’t make sense

As believers we know God allows things to happen for His purpose and we don’t always know why. Speaking for myself, there are things in my life that have never made sense. Actually, the world doesn’t always make sense either.

Several years ago, I made a new friend while working as a greeter for my church. It was a great group, and we always had a good time. One day I noticed my new friend wearing a safety pin with a pink ribbon and bell on her lapel. When I asked her about it, she told me of her young niece who had a serious illness, and the little pink safety pin was for her. She asked me to pray and said many others were praying as well.

My always-positive friend talked about her niece’s sweet personality and how happy she was even in the midst of the pain she was going through. She also talked about her siblings and how the family was dealing with it all. She shared her hope and belief that one day her niece would be healed and go on to live a long and happy life. Of course, we all prayed for her and knew God could heal her as He had done for so many others.

As time went on though, her condition deteriorated to the point where treatments were no longer helpful. Soon there were no more doctor’s appointments or treatments, just the knowledge that nothing else could be done.

About five years after the start of her illness, she passed away.

Not knowing why

Though her passing was several years ago, I often think about my friend’s niece and the pain she went through. She was so young, and her entire life consisted of doctor’s appointments and painful treatments. Many times I’ve wondered why a loving God allowed this innocent child to suffer. While I know her family gave her the best life they could and cared for her deeply, ultimately there was nothing they could do to save her.

As believers we know God allows things to happen for His purpose and we don’t always know why. Speaking for myself, there are things in my life that have never made sense. Actually, the world doesn’t always make sense either. We often hear how we need to accept that bad things happen and there is nothing we can do about it, but that answer isn’t always good enough for me. The more I try to make sense of it, the more the world becomes a depressing and disappointing place.

I believe Jesus felt the same way even though He had all the information up front. He was disappointed in the way people behaved and treated each other and sad about the things happening around Him.

But I’ve come to realize the difference was Jesus kept His eyes on the ultimate purpose. He did not allow the world to sway Him as we often do. We know this because while Jesus asked His Father to “take the cup of suffering away from Me,” He accepted the cross was God’s purpose and went on to die a cruel and unjust death (Luke 22:42).

While this knowledge will never make life easier, we can understand why keeping our eyes on Jesus will help us focus on the greater purpose we can’t see. Who would have thought a death by crucifixion could lead to eternal life for all?

It doesn’t make sense, but I’m glad I have something to hold on to.

Amy Hacker is a regular contributor to The Scroll. She also is advertising manager for The Alabama Baptist/TAB Media Group. She attends the Church of the Highlands and has three children.


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