NOTE: This post continues a series of writings through the book of Luke. See the previous post here.
In the Christian faith, Mary is known, admired — even revered — for her faithfulness and trust in God, that she might be the vessel of a virgin birth and the mother of Jesus Christ. And there’s a phrase in this passage that double underlines the weight of the calling God has placed on her life.
In verse 28, the angel Gabriel says to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!”
When Gabriel says “the Lord is with you,” it reminds us of the other figures in the Bible to whom the Lord made this promise. Mary is standing in the tradition of Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David and other prophets who were told similar things when God called them to difficult, crucial missions.
Praise the Lord for showing us the value of his people, despite age, gender or status.