Compassion of the Christ

The greatest gift we can ever receive is salvation, and guess what? If you were the only one who needed saving, He would do it still just for you.

Picture Jesus praying alone in the Garden of Gethsemane. His disciples sleeping in the distance. Drops of blood falling down His face, asking His father to find another way. 

He knew what was coming and the suffering He would endure. He had seen crucifixions before, they were common in Jesus’ day. Anyone from slaves to political agitators would die this way.  

No trial was needed, only the words of the crowds yelling, “Crucify Him.” 

Pontius Pilate, the ruler at the time, gave Jesus a chance to deny the charges so he could let Him go. But Jesus stood His ground, even after asking His Father if something else could be done. 

Chose to die

If we believe Jesus is who He says He is, then we must also believe Jesus was in control the entire time, even as he was beaten to the point of being unrecognizable. 

He chose to die, and He chose to save us.

Imagine that kind of love. Would you die for someone? Sure, maybe our families and loved ones, but what about someone you don’t know? 

What about the guy you sat next to in a restaurant who was yelling at his kids? Or the woman who drove you off the road and almost caused an accident. What about them? Would you die for them or only the people you decide to love?

As much as we say we love someone, is it the “I will choose to be mocked, betrayed and endure a horrific death in front of large crowds” kind of love? We can never understand that kind of love because we are not capable of it.

Every day reminder

This might sound like an Easter sermon, but it’s actually a necessary every day reminder for Christians. 

The day Jesus went to the cross was the day we were set free from sins we’ve committed in our past and sins we haven’t yet even thought of. 

Romans 5:8 says, “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Even as we were sinning, he was dying. Who else would do that for you? 

The greatest gift we can ever receive is salvation, and guess what? If you were the only one who needed saving, He would do it still just for you.

Amy Hacker is a regular contributor to The Scroll. She also is advertising manager for The Alabama Baptist/TAB Media Group. She attends the Church of the Highlands and has three children.


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